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Everything you need to know about the World Athletics festival in Madrid
Some 800m of high-quality women
Unos 800 m femeninos de muchos quilates Se acerca la final del World Athletics Indoor Tour, que se disputará en Madrid el próximo 28 de febrero, un meeting de primera…
The great duel of the double round
The great duel of the double round A little more than two weeks to fill the Madrid track of Gallur with the best athletics in the world in the…
A first-class triple jump
A top-class triple jump The best jumpers in the world will compete in the men’s triple jump event at the World Indoor Tour Gold Madrid…
The national speed queens at the WIT
The national speed queens at the WIT The prestigious World Indoor Tour in Madrid is approaching, which will be held on February 28th…
The world shot put champion will throw in Madrid
World shot put champion Chase Jackson, a double World Champion (Oregon 2022 and Budapest 2023) in shot put, will throw in Madrid…
Bonevacia premieres in Madrid
Bonevacia makes his debut in Gallur The Dutch sprinter, Liemarvin Bonevacia, a world reference in the long relay and the 400 m, will make his debut in the final…